Here's a great snack for anyone that loves hot dogs, bacon and cheese. So like... EVERYONE.
Easy prep time. Simple bake and serve menu. Dish Hits Gourmet! You will love it.
Hot Dogs
Cheddar Cheese
Probably Toothpicks to hold bacon... maybe depends how aggressive you are.
Bake in the oven at 400 Degrees
Delicious... every bacon lovers dream.
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F Wing Sauce!

It really can't get much easier, it does not have to be complicated. The best wing sauce comes from Franks or Red Hot Sauce and REAL Butter. Mix it up and get a perfect wing sauce every time.
Check out Patty and this quick video on how to make Fantastic Wing Sauce.. we call it F...
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Key Lime, Sun Tea

Key Lime, Strawberry, Honey Sun Tea
Large Mason Jar 4 Tea Bags Fill Jar with Water Place outside, let the Sun do it's work. 1 cup of sweet local honey 3 Strawberries, Sliced 4 Key Limes, Sliced Lemon for Garnish Follow for more! 1
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